Exploring the sense of interdependence and collectivity from different perspectives, this volume invites us to become sensible to the diverse beings with whom we share a common time and space. In each story, without denying the complexities of living together, we are reminded of how deeply we need each other, not only to survive, but to give meaning, companionship and celebration
to our lives.
When the forest remembers us
by Wimblu & Diego Expeleta
Imagination and contemplation in a multispecies community
Wimblu participa como curador invitado de la sección Enfoques del Costa Rica Festival Internacional de Cine, con dos funciones en las cuales se presentarán 8...
Les invitamos a suscribirse a nuestro nuevo canal de YouTube y a seguir nuestro Podcast para disfrutar de este valioso contenido y ampliar la conversación...
other volumes
Volume 5 | April 2022
An invitation to think of ourselves and this precise moment as origin, to guide us in this collective work of invoking other possible worlds.