Open Call for our Volume 10: Peace
Buscamos historias de no ficción en diferentes formatos que aborden el tema de la Paz, desde las intersecciones de ecología, cultura y espiritualidad.
Vol. 9
This edition observes the contours of language, traverses the rigid lines by which we have defined it, and acknowledges the consequences of naming, classifying, hierarchizing. But as the stories explore tongues and voices beyond the human, the definitions begin to soften and language is revealed as a living thread that weaves us into the world.
On portals that connect us to other bodies.
by Mariana Matija
A glimpse into codes hidden in plain sight.
by Michelle Piergoelam
Conversations beyond the human.
with marine biologist Laura May-Collado
On plants, language and dispossession in the documentary Foragers.
by Fernando Chaves
A photographer explores the concepts that have defined his childhood landscape.
by Francisco Provedo
The space that contains us.
by Alessandra Baltodano
Finding language in the bodies of trees.
by Nethery Wylie
A space to listen to the voice of an ocean.
by Lawrence English
In search of prayers and rituals rooted in the Earth.
by Pablo Franceschi
A journey through the past and future myths of the dormant Livonian language.
by Len Murusalu
A collection of poems to conjure the water spirits.
by Sky Hopinka
What a signing orangutan may tell us about consciousness.
By Susanne Paola Antonetta
Wimblu creates stories that reconnect ecology and culture in order to restore our sense of belonging and connection to our planet.